Copyright Lyn McCarthy

Copyright Lyn McCarthy


We all can use a bit of inspiration, of fun and uplifting yet honest stories. Ordinary people can sometimes achieve extra-ordinary things or go down an unusual path. Some call it fate. Some call it opportunism. Some call it luck. What if it was a bit of all of those…

Franck Gazzola certainly made a radical shift in his career and lifestyle, leaving behind a Corporate life to becoming an adventure Photographer and joining long haul expeditions in the most remote corners of the globe. That is why his keynotes go beyond the Art of photography only.

When daring or trailblazing are critical to reach success, Franck Gazzola can inspire your audience, your team, as well as bring a fun & adventurous twist to your event. His learnings can appeal and apply to anyone and a wide range of contexts (personal or professional). Through his breath-taking images, he will endeavour to make you want to push your own limits. Not only Franck Gazzola will give you access to how the images were shot but the captivating stories that are untold behind the images.

Often, motivational talks can be counter productive: speakers can be born with an amazing gift, a genius IQ, an (apparently) failure-free career or are simply too strong or talented to actually relate. Franck is no super-hero, simply someone who has been living outside of his own comfort zone for a very long time. An ordinary guy doing things out of the ordinary. This makes for a much more candid, relatable & honest story. Only a few years ago, Franck Gazzola did not even know how to dive. In 2019, he actually lived under the ocean for a several days. He sold his first photo in 2013. Four years later, he shoots around the world. But no miracle was involved!

Through hard work, entrepreneurship, resilience and a pinch of serendipity, he now lives (from) his passion. Franck Gazzola makes a point in keeping his story real, factually & emotionally. Any ‘‘success’’ (an important word to define) comes with its share of doubts, turmoils, financial issues, and arising dislikes. None of those are kept secret for whom is curious to hear more about those.

Every single talk is adapted to the format, the audience and defined objectives. Interventions range from a more photography-focused to a more motivational/personal development conference. Franck Gazzola custom designs his conferences to the audience and to the set goals of the event organiser. The format can range from 20 to 60+ minutes to suit the type of event, the message and the expected attention span of the crowd. To define the best content to fit your goals, get in touch: enquire!

Leaving an uplifting trace of inspiration in people’s minds or even better, planting the ‘‘daring seed’’ are some of the things you can expect from Franck Gazzola’s intervention, whether in a corporation, event, communities & schools.

Languages available: English & French

Exclusive representation: Corporate Speakers Australia

Selected topics:

Challenges and adventures

Change management



The building blocks of personal growth

Exploration and expeditions in remote parts of the world including polar environments

Science & exploration

Being brave & conquering fear

Working around the ‘‘imposter’s syndrom’’

Resilience: how to be comfortable out of the comfort zone

The power of help seeking and collaborations

Finding one’s mission and sense of purpose

Photography: techniques & stories behind the images

Witnessing climate change & conservation work: stories & anecdotes
